Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hola from Mexico!!

Wow this week was fast! I feel the yesterday was Monday! Its kind of scary how fast time is flying! But Its also great how amazing the time is! This week was a good one! We are working alot with a the Family Borjas. They are a family of investigators that are amazing! They have been coming to church the past few weeks...But this past friday the dad broke his leg in a motorcycle crash so we kindof assumed he wouldnt be able to come..but then on sunday he was there with his crutches! He said he wants to be there at church and he is going to do what it takes to go! This family really is great! Today for Pday they are going to teach us how to make homemade tortilla! So that will be pretty great!
The other great news is that our investigator Jesus is going to be baptized this Friday! Yay! He has worked so hard to prepared for this and he and us have seen huge changes in his life! I love seeing the blessings of the gospel in the lives of others! This week the weather has been perfect here and we have been loving it! Might be pretty hard to picture 2 americans walking around down here but let me tell you, its pretty great! Everything here is going 

taco night with the Borjas!

great and we are excited and ready to have a great week this week! And
I hope you all do too!
With love,
Elder Ford

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