Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Its February in Mante!

Feb. 1, 2016

Well this week was pretty great! One of the best of the mission so far! So here we go!  It started great last monday when the Borjas family taught us how to make mexican food! Specifically Tortilla de Harina (flour) from scracth! That was amazing! it is pretty hard to do but I think i got the hang of it! So look forward to that! This family is amazing! They
are preparing to be baptized next week! Its so great! We had a little party  with Cenobio this week as well he is a member
of the ward that is older and has some health problems so we visit him and talk about his life and hye loves it. But i think we love it more! This week we took coke and bread and we had a little part with him! I love getting to know the members here! They all have great stories and are super kind to us! And now the crowning moment of the week! Jesus got baptized! WAHOO! I love this guy! He made alot of changes in his life to prepare to be baptized and now is hoping to serve a mission! He asked me to baptize him so I had the privalege of doing that and it was a great moment!
The spirit was super strong and he loved it! And Sunday when he recieved the SPirit he was about crying! And to make it even better we had 10 investogators at church and they were all able to feel that spirit! I love it! It made for a great week! Im loving Mante!

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