Monday, January 4, 2016

Feliz Navidad!

Feliz Navidad to everyone! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Here in the Mission Christmas was excellent! The whole week was pretty great!
Our Christmas festivities started last monday, the missionaries here in Mante took a trip to a city called Valles to have a little party/talent show with the missionaries there and the President of the mission and his family! In total there were about 30 missionaries.
First of course we ate good food, and then had the show, people sang, danced, did skits, magic, music, lots of things! It was a great way to relax! Our zone (the 12 missionaries here in Mante) did a skit of the birth of Christ, it was good! also alittle funny because we are 12 Elders, but it really was good! After the show we got a little goody bag from the mission with some great candy and headed back to Mante!
The next day of celebration was the 24th! Christmas Eve! Here in Mexico Christmas Eve is bigger than Christmas day! Everyone eats a big dinner and parties until 12:00 when they open the gifts! For our Christmas eve we were invited to a dinner with some members in our ward, we ate with them and took some pictures before heading home for
the night (the rule for the 24th was at 8pm we had to be in our house) but it was all good because that is when our party began...we had 2 other missionaries with us so we had a good time! We played some games, ate some cake, and some other members brought us more food, we waited for midnight, said Feliz Navidad, then headed to bed to prepare
for our big celebration the 25th!! The 25th is the big day for
missionaries! And we got permission to play sports so that made us even more excited!! The day started at 10! I called home to wish merry christmas then we started to play soccer!! We played for about 6 hours during the day! It was a blast, we even played a little basketball! It was so fun! Yes, i did score a few goals, so thats what matters!
During the day we also had Nerf Wars, ate a unhealthy amount of food, and watched Minions! it was a great day to relax and have fun for our zone! The only problem was that with 12 Elders sports get pretty real, so we were all working pretty hard (dont worry, no one got hurt) but the next couple days after it was pretty hard to walk...we were all really really sore...but it was worth it to play some great soccer!
Overall it was a great Christmas, and a great week! I hope all of you 

 Our Skit for Christmas
 Santa came to me
 Christmas Eve!
 Christmas Eve!

had wonderful Christmas days as well! All is well here in Mante!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!
Elder Ford

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