Monday, January 4, 2016


Dec. 7, 2015
Its already December! How crazy is that! Christmas is just around the corner! People are excited for christmas which makes the missionary work a little easier! Everyone thinks about Christ during christmas!
Remember the true meaning of christmas this year! And the real gift that we recieve! A Savior! I know that if we all remember that this christmas and apply this gift in our lives we can have a more meaningful christmas!
This week was pretty good! It was a lot of fun really! We had a lot of powerful lessons as well. Alot of lessons of pure testimony of the blessings of the gospel, alot of the investigators here love the church but arent quite willing to make the changes in their lives to be baptized so these testimonies were really powerful of the difference the church makes in our lives!
We have been working with the members alot here in Mante, because missionary work is a lot better when the members work together with missionaries! One way we do this is by having family nights and members houses and having them invite their friends! This has been alot of fun and led to alot of success in the work! So my challenge this week is to help the missionaries, give them names of people they can visit! Or go on visits with them! I promise it will bring blessings into your life! Sharing the gospel brings pure joy! I
promise that!
Things here in Mexico are going great! The language is coming along 

Our FHE for this week!

great! And the missionary work is great as well!
Everyone have a great week!

Elder Ford

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