Monday, January 4, 2016


Dec 22, 2015
Hello everyone! How is everything going?? Hopefully great! Things were pretty great here in Mante as well this week! The first great thing is after a couple more nights I successfully killed the spider, so now I can sleep in peace!
This week was pretty crazy, there was alot going on! But it was all good things! Most of the good happened this Saturday and here is how it went;
In the morning we went to the church to start filling up the baptismal font with water, while there another missionary came and we got haircuts, pretty big risk to let another missionary cut my hair....but i think it turned out okay, hair always grows back anyway right??
After that we went to eat with a member, we ate at his christmas party for his employees and the food was great! Really different though, its call Zacahuil (i think) Its a whole pig and some other stuff wrapped in giant leaves and cooked (i think)...all i know is it was good! And we ate with the old President of Mante so that was pretty cool as
And now the best part! This Saturday was the baptism of Karim! It was super special! The spirit was so strong, he is only 11 but his desire to follow Christ was super evident! He has a strong spirit with him and loves to share that with all of his friends! Karim asked me to baptize him which made it even more special. I am so greatful for the 

 My haircut...

Karim and I before the baptism

chance I have to be here in Mexico inviting others to change their
lives! This week really was great and filled with the spirit!
And this next week is Christmas! I hope you all have a great
Christmas! Look forward to my email next week, im sure ill have a few
good stories from Christmas!
Have a great week! Feliz Navidad!
Elder Ford

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