Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas Time!!

Dec. 14, 2015
Im pretty pumped for Christmas, and this week it started to feel a little like Christmas! Every morning we jam to christmas music, and we got a little tree to decorate! This week we also had a Christmas dinner that the stake Presidency put on for the 12 Missionaries here in Mante! It was a blast! We had great food, and had a great time talking and enjoying the christmas season, it was great to hear the stake presidency bear testimony of Jesus Christ and what Christmas is really about! It was a great night! And we all got new ties so what more can you ask for?
This week was another trip to Tampico which is always fun! We had a class with the President and learned more about the mission!
There were 2 parts of this week that made the week really great!
First, our investigator Karim is ready for baptism! And has his baptism this Saturday! So that was great!
The other thing was that we got to watch the Dedication of the Tijuana Mexico Temple! This was a great experiance! Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Oaks spoke, the spirit was so strong! I felt such a strong love for the people of Mexico, they had so much joy for the new temple! I am so greatful for the blessings of Temples we have in our lives!
Now a funny story for all of you, Im sure most of you know that I don't enjoy spiders too much, well this week I had a encounter with a new spider, I was changing my laundry before going to bed and saw a huge spider outside the door, was about 4 inches, so big for me. I battled to try and kill it for about 15 minutes inside and outside the house,
during the process waking up my companion with my pounding, and manly screams, but sadly

 Typical street in mante, with a funny sign

My enemy for this week

he won...its alive and im not sure where... so

pray for me..Ill send a pic because im sure you all want to see!
This week was pretty great here, and I hope it was for all of you as well!
Love you all!
Elder Ford

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