Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy 2016!!

First of all, Feliz año nuevo! Happy New year! I cant believe its already 2016! Our New Years Eve was pretty relaxed but it was good! Elder Rubilar and I were alone and just played some games and waited until 12:00. Here in Mexico everyone went crazy, everyone had fireworks, or little bombs and they were going off all night! It was pretty loud but it was good! Sadly we cant play with fireworks....oh well!
But this we was good! A good week to start the new year! We have great investigators that really have a desire to learn more and more about the church and are preparing for baptism! It is my favorite thing to see people change their lives for the better! And the New Year is a great time to do that! I challenge everyone to put goals down for this
year...and actually reach them!
This week we had changes and Elder Rubilar left for a different area, and i got a new companion here in Mante! An American!! His name is Elder Lundberg, from Idaho! It is going to be a blast to have us 2 here! And we are ready to work hard and share this gospel! (and hope that the natives can understand us)
Updates of Mante, its really really cold....about 40 degrees, so i have been using the cold weather gear that my mom convinced me to bring ( thanks mom )

Remember that with God in our lives we can be so much better than we 

 Our crazy zone last change

 Goodbye Elder Rubilar

Hello Elder Lundberg

were before! And remember that with your goals for this year!
I love you all!

Elder Ford

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