Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beautiful Mante!!


First I just have to say that the city of Mante is beautiful! I really love it here! We crossed a bridge over looking the main road in our area and i realized how pretty it is! 

Don't worry I took a picture! The people here are always kind and willing to listen to us and I realized how great that was!
Now this week! It was great as always, it was a little crazy of a week, as always...but it was really fun! We had a couple days of divisions this week so that was fun! During one of these days we went and did service for a member, named Cenobio, he developed a health problem about 10 years ago and due to this has problems walking and talking and can't move one of his hands very well, we always go to teach him and help him try to use his hand more and get better! This
week we helped him sand a table to get it ready to paint,It was great to be able to help him out and just talk about his life! Great day!

Another great part of this week is our family of investigators, the Borjas Family! They are super great! Mom, the fake snow you sent we took to this family our inv family the Borjas and they loved it! They are hoping to visit The states, the dad lived in indiana for awhile! But they are great! They own a tortilla shops here so they are going to teach us to cook next monday!! 

They love going to church and love listening to our lessons! This week the Relief Society had a service project, and the dad in this family went to the whole thing just to help out and bring food! They love to participate in all the things the members do! The best part of this for us is the food....They heard that the members are the ones who feed us so they decided to feed us as well! I love it! We have eaten Mole and tacos with them! the only problem is the Calendar for our meals is already we have been eating 2 meals a few days...luckily we arestill running.... The Family Borjas told us their favorite part of the Church and the teachings is that ever since they started listening their family has been closer. I loved hearing this! I know that the Church is centered on the family! And that if we follow the teachings we can have a lot of peace and happieness! One thing that I know can help is Family Home
Evening! So that is my challenge this week! Have a Family night, if you are questioning what this is: Its simple, a evening together as a family where you can share a spiritual thought, pray, and enjoy time together as a family! I promise that youll like it!

We had a little Christmas celebration this week! (Thanks mom)

I hope you all have a great week!
With love,

Elder Ford

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