Monday, January 4, 2016

Another week here in Mante!!

November 30, 2015
Elder Smith and I

Elder Brown (BYU Tennis player) and I in the MTC in our BYU
gear, this pic is to celebrate the BYU Victory!

This week was pretty crazy because we weren't really in our area too much! Elder Rubilar had to go to Mexico City for his Visa for a couple days and then to a training in Tampico for a couple days so I was with other missionaries for those days! Alot of fun to spend time in other areas!  I spent a couple days with Elder Smith, who I knew from last year so that was fun.

We eat real street tacos here!!

The weather here really is getting cooler so that is nice!
I hear that BYU crushed Utah State so I am happy about that!

Really dont have any great stories from this week, but I promise the letter next week will be better! Everything here is great! I hope you all are doing great as well!
With December tomorrow I invite you all to check out the new website the church has for christmas! It has some great videos!
Have a great week!

Elder Ford

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