Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week one in Mante!!

What a week! I cant believe I am here in Mexico! Its pretty crazy! Quick overview of the city, there are some main roads with somebusinesses, mainly small food businesses, then most of the community
is dirt roads with homes, there are a good amount of real homes, but also some smaller wood shacks, the weather is hot hot hot, with rain a
couple times a week so it is very muddy! The people are super nice
here! and the food is good! I havent eaten anything crazy yet, mainly
meat and some type of pasta or rice!

 this is most of Mante, lots of dirt roads, I love it!

The work here is going well, people are very receptive to the gospel,
but most miss church for various reasons! One of our great
investigators is Lupita, she has a baptismal date for November 7th!
Everytime we teach her she always cries during the closing pray
because she feels the spirit so strong! Isnt it wonderful that we can
all have the Holy Ghost comforting us in our lives!
 Picture 1: took a quick picture on one of the city roads, not a great pic sorry

        Here in Mexico the big meal of the day is lunch at 2 oclock, which has been weird to get used to, but it is a nice break in the middle of the
I have learned this week that I really took for granted hot water
while showering, but I like cold showers now so thats good!
Everything Is good here! I hope all is well with all of you! I look
forward from hearing from you all next week!

Have a great week!
Con amor,

Elder Ford

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