Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hello All!!

Sept. 30 2015

Well less than 2 weeks till i am out of the MTC, that is exciting, but pretty nerve racking as well, the MTC is great and I learn a lot, but at the same time It is a little bit repetitive so it will be great to get out to the mission field! 
Christmas Selfie

We have to find ways to stay entertained in here and this past week, because it was the 25th we celebrated Christmas, we has stockings, we made snowflakes we had a white elephant exchange and sang Christmas hymns! Pretty fun, was like a kindergarten party for a bunch of 20 year olds, but we are all kids on the inside right?? Ill send some pictures of it! 

We don't eat very healthy but thats ok.

Besides that the rest of the week was pretty normal, the other good part was on sunday our devotional was the managing director of the missionary department and
he was pretty funny, he made fun of a lot of people and it was funny, but it was also spiritual! he shared a bunch of Mormon commercials from the 90's called the home front campaign and they all had great tag lines at the end, ill share my favorite couple!

"When everything says you cant believe in the part of you that says you can!"

"Whatever you do in life, just do your best!"

Those were my two favorite! I know that they are applicabale to all of our lives! love you all! I look forward to hearing from you all!

have a great week!


Elder Ford

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