Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hola to all!!

Oct 7, 2015
Hope everyone has had a great week! It has been pretty good here! A little crazy, but good!
First of all travel plans have been crazy! My visa hadnt come through, so last week I found out I would be visa waiting in California! But then 2 days later I found out my visa came so Mexico here I come!! I leave on monday and fly to Mexico City then to TAMPICO!!!!!! I couldn't be more excited/nervous! But I know it will be good! I hope you all had the oppritunity to watch confrence, if not you should search it! It is powerful! The blessing of having real prophets
on the earth is amazing! And the night after confrence VocalPoint came to perform here! Look them up too! Its a acapella group from BYU!
 me and my companions with Marco! We taught him while we were
here! Love him!

I dont have much time, but I want to share one uplifting thought! Build others up! Dont knock down! It can takes years to build someone up and only seconds to knock them down! So that is a great message for all!

I love you all!

Have a great week!

Elder Ford!

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