Thursday, October 29, 2015

Week 2!!

Well this week flew by! Crazy how fast it went! The food is still pretty great! This week a member made Hamburgers which was a great blessing! I also discovered the donuts here are really that is not good...and they are normally 3x10 pesos (which is about 75 cents)..Luckily we work out every morning! This week was pretty great otherwise as well! We have a lot of great investigators and one has her baptism in 2 weeks! So that is exciting! Hopefully it works out great! The language is coming along, not perfectly but I feel like I
am learning more and more each day which is good! The members help out alot and are patient with me when I speak! This week a big thing that helped me with the language was remembering that a smile and laughter is universal! Everyone can understand it! Remember that this week, that no matter who anyone is, everyone understands a smile!
A couple days ago we were going to teach a new investigator, we knew she lived a long way from the rest of the city but we were not sure how far, so we started the trek down the dirt road, it ended up being maybe just over a half mile, so it shouldnt have been too bad, but we have had alot of rain, so it was pretty made for a adventure, but when we found the investigator we were able to teach her and her children and they loved the lesson and are excited to learn more! The Lord will bless us if we persist! 

 I made some killer french toast this week

the long muddy road!

I hope you all have a great week! Mante is great!

Con amor,

Elder Ford

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