Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I'm in Mexico!

Oct 14, 2013

Well Crazy few days but I am in my first area in Mexico! It is a city called Mante about 3 hours from Tampico! It seems like it will be a good place, ive been here about 2 hours and I like it so far! It is very hot here, but thats okay! My apartment is nice, we have ac which is a blessing! And I think we are on the same road as a golf course, so thats even better! 
MTC branch president and his wife with our district

My Companions name is Elder Rugillar, he is from Chile, so that will help me with my spanish a  ton! I am excited to learn more! My first 2 days in Mexico have been great! 
My trainer in an internet cafe 

Early Monday morning I flew from Salt lake to Mexico City, I had a layover in Mexico city, where I ordered subway completly in spanish,then I flew to tampico! I got to tampico at about 830 and got to the mission office at about 9! From there I went to the house where me and the other new missionaries were staying and we had little ceasers pizza and then went to bed pretty quick! The next morning we got up and had some training meeting with the mission president ( president Ramierez) which was good! Then we went to his house for lunch, which is the big meal of the day, we had some great, authentic mexican tacos, which was great! It was superspicy, but I liked it!! after that we got our companions, hung out till the night then went back to the house, and got more little ceasers pizza (I bet you are all seeing a theme, tampico missionaries love little ceasers)! then we went to bed, this morning me and my comp left on our 3 hour bus ride to Mante! the bus was nice so i just slept the trip! and now I am here! I am pretty excited to start the work and to work on my spanish! Monday will be my email day in the future weeks just to let you all know!

I am grateful to be here in Mexico to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ!

I hope you all have a great week!
With Love,
Elder Ford

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