Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 3

Thursday, September 17, 2015

MTC Week 2

Well this week flew by! Quick summary: we are working to learn the
spanish and it come along pretty fast! we teach 3 different lessons a
week and we have 2 visits with members. The food in the MTC is the
same as BYU so it is just like a college campus cafeteria. During our
gym time we play spike ball, hard to explain, so google it if you dont
know, its alot of fun though!

Our tuesday devotional was pretty cool this week! we had the General
President of the primary come, sister Wixom, her talk was pretty
great! she said a bunch of cool things but one thing in particular was
she said that the mission is a dress rehersal for our purpose in life!
Too me that meant that we are learning how to teach our future
families and that was cool to me!
This is what happens when we miss a vocal question (wall sits)

One more cool story! In one of our member lessons the member decided
instead of us teaching him in spanish he was going to tell us a story
in english here is how it went:

"When my grandma was about 40 she didnt know how to read, but she had
always wanted to learn more and she wanted her sons to learn to read
as well, so she kept a bookcase full of books, one of those books was
a Book of Mormon she had gotten from a couple missionaries in the
past, she hadnt been able to read it so she didnt pursue the church
much more, but she wanted to find a religion so she kept that in her
mind. A couple years later her family had a house fire and because of
their hunting ammo going off in the house they were unable to stop the
fire from burning down the entire home. Later they were able to walk
through the ruins of the house and by where the bookshelf had been was
a book underneath a charred piece of wood, she walked over too it and
picked it up and it was the Book of Mormon, she clutched it close to
her and said -this book went through fire for me, and I will go
through fire for it.- And was converted to the gospel

here are me and my comps

We may not all have crazy stories about the book of mormon or the
gospel and we may not get them, but i know that it can have the same
impact on everyones life. and I challenge everyone to try reading the
book of mormon because I can promise it will have a impact on your
life as it has had on mine! ( if you dont have one and want to try let
me know and Ill make sure you get one)

its hard to learn the language but it really is great here and I am
learning so much about the language and the gospel! I love to hear
from you all! Have a great week!

Elder Ford

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Made it through week one!!

Hey everyone! 
I know I forgot to put a lot of peoples emails on this list so hopefully more can be added (mom let me know) and second: a fair warning my typing will be full of lots of errors so lo siestas.

(My district at the temple.)

But now my week! It has felt like I have been here for a long time, but at the same time I feel like I just got here! Its been crazy. We have learned so much spanish in just a single week, we taught our first lesson the second full day here and have taught 3 more since, in just spanish! The spirit really helps out with the language! We have also had great devotionals! We listened to the MTC Presidency talk which was good, but the better one was tuesday night when Bishop Causse of the Presiding Bishopbric came, his talk was good, but the best part was at the end of his talk he played  the most amazing arrangement of come come ye saints that I have ever heard! It was so great! I also sang in the Choir for that devo. which was pretty cool, even though the choir is basically all of the missionaries! 

(we made paper people because we get bored easy(mine is far right) )

Once I figure out my schedule more I will be able to write longer emails, so sorry this one is short! 

I would love to hear from each of you individually if you want to email me! 

 and If you really want to make me happy i wouldnt be mad with a letter or a package ;) 

My address here is 

Elder Jacob Myron Ford 
2011 N 900 E Unit 208
Provo UT 84602

I love you all! 
Take care! 
Elder Ford