Monday, November 23, 2015

One Change Done!!

Mante Week

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week 3!!!

Another week, gone! this week was good, nothing too crazy happened. Teaching lessons is getting better because my spanish is getting better! We taught alot about Joseph Smith this week and my testimony of him as a prophet and of the church keeps growing! Please everyone read his story and you can know that he was a prophet and that the church is true!
Everyday is great and pretty similar, we wake up at 630, workout and get ready and study at 8. at about 12 we start teaching, and contacting people in the street! I love it! We do thing until 9 when we head home and then go to sleep at 1030, crazy but amazing days! 

Selfie with a sheep

This week was my birthday so that was fun! we celebrated monday with cake and hamburgers! then wednesday the zone (group of Missionaries in Mante, we have 12 elders so thats fun!) got me cake which was fun! And then that night me and my comp got pizza! So a pretty great Birthday! 
my birthday!

All is great here! The gospel of Jesus Christ is true! I promise that it will add blessings to the life of all! Have a great week! I look forward to hearing from you guys each week!
thanks for all!
Elder Ford